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Kansas ABLE Savings Plan

Kansas ABLE Savings Plan

Below are excerpts takes from a Letter received from the Kansas State Treasurers’ Office

ABLE savings accounts were created by the Federal Government and are administered by the states as a savings vehicle designed to financially empower individuals living with a disability. ABLE accounts offer qualified individuals a way to save up to $100,000, in their name, and still remain eligible for many Federal means-tested benefits programs such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI). 

If you and/or other individuals you might know would like to learn more about ABLE, our office would be happy to visit and give a more in-depth presentation about the Kansas ABLE Savings Program. My contact information is below. Also, the State Treasurer’s office has plenty more materials where this came from so please don’t hesitate to reach out to request more. 

Tom Treacy, State Director of the ABLE Savings Program 785.296.6251